We understand that the best way to reach Hispanic clients in search of legal services is to allow them to find your website or a professional profile like the one we can create for you at Abogacia-us.com. View our available plans to create an individual profile in our website dedicated specially to your professional field. This option requires an affordable subscription fee which includes the use of our mobile app to access your leads (originated from your profile).
Create your lawyer profile
To personalize with specific information about your legal practices and services. Monthly and yearly membserships.
With the subscription, you will be able to also contribute content to share on our blog. We will give you proper attribution along with a link to your website, which helps with backlinks and Spanish SEO.
By sharing your knowledge and expertise with the Hispanic community in the United States, you will increase opportunities to bring new clients in need of your professional services and legal representation.
Hispanic Marketing for your Law Firm – Take it a step further!
If you’d like greater visibility of your professional legal services, please click here to request a consultation. We will present you with some opportunities such as Spanish SEO and Facebook advertising, among others.
Reach the Hispanic Community
Our knowledge of the Hispanic marketplace prompted us to offer our services so that you can reach the most prominent minority ethnic group according to Census data.
We will focus on our efforts while you focus on yours; to this end, you will be able to continue enriching your practice and your business in order to achieve success.
It will be our pleasure to publish your blog, work on your individual profile, and introduce you to the Hispanic American community in your community.